I talked to Tim on the phone earlier. He was discussing the work he is doing on a book he plans to write. I am so excited for him. I can't/won't discuss his concept or ideas or plot but I am thinking it could be a really good book. He started asking my opinions on character names today. Then he brought up outlines and plot lines and sequel books.
We both like a lot of the same things and mentioned how we've seen some of "our" ideas in movies. Of course all of this talk got me thinking about things that have NOT been in the movies or books and I got a new story idea. I know I have a lot of unfinished stories lying around that I will get back to...but this idea has jumped to the front.
I've already started researching it. ;)
In other news, I am looking for a new job. Something full time, with benefits, and making at the very least what I make now. Which is not a whole lot but I am surviving on it.
I applied for two jobs at the local hospital and received an email yesterday saying that my application had been forwarded to the hiring manager. When I checked the online status of both applications, one said "Application Submitted" and the other said "In Review Phase". So hopefully it's a good sign.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
So far 2007 isn't turning out so great
Happy Fucking New Year to Me. Seriously, if the past few weeks are any indication 2007 is going to suck ass.
New Year's Eve wasn't bad. Angie and Jenna came over and we ate junk, watched movies, had a few drinks. Pretty cool. I didn't get to see Tim...but that's a different story for a different day.
I was driving my car to the store one night and hear this THUNK THUNK THUNK CLANG noise. Then my battery light came on and my power steering refused to be powered. I knew it was the alternator belt as I've had those break on my vehicles in the past.
So long story short it was the alternator belt, as well as a pulley, and ended up costing me TWO HUNDRED BUCKS.
A week later, I came home from work to find my dog, Angel, limping and favoring her paw. She had apparently cut it and it had gotten infected. One hundred and fifty dollars to the vet, fourty of which was for a rabies shot...which I found out when I returned home that SHE HAD ALREADY GOTTEN ONE!
Then this past Tuesday, my little baby cat, Colossus was sick again. He has had problems in the past with a blocked urinary tract. I've had it fixed three times. This time they wanted to do surgery. I couldn't afford the 1000 to 1500 dollars they wanted. These people don't take payments, they want the whole amount up front. Not only that but there was no gurantee that he wouldn't have needed a second and third surgery.
So I had my baby boy put to sleep. I am so heartbroken over this and still so completely depressed over it. This cat was like my baby and a member of my family and I miss him.

Kitty Love,
Money Money Money,
The Universe Hates Me
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