Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hitting Me Hard

For about the past hour I've been sitting here, quietly crying. I can't seem to make myself stop.

I only cried once, the day Tim dumped me, but today for some reason it just hit me hard. I haven't loved many people in my life but I did love him. I put my heart, body, and soul into a relationship with that man for five months and he just threw it all away.

I've been feeling like crap the past few days. Self-esteem is really low at the moment and I've been on edge but I paste a smile on my face so no one can see how I really feel. The past three weeks I've slept about two or three hours a night and yet I am still functioning.

I went to Petsm@rt tonight with Jenna and Angie. I always look at the cats when I go in there even though I already have three and realistically couldn't afford to feed and take care of any more. I saw this one cat that was adorable and looked familiar. I was about to say "Oh that cat looks just like Tim's" when I saw the cat's name tag on the cage.

It was Tim's cat, Cinnamon. My heart broke. You see, when you are involved with someone you get involved with their pets, especially if you are an animal lover like me. I adored both his cats like they were my own. I would go to his house and Cinnamon and Sugar would climb in my lap and go to sleep. When I would sleep in his bed Cinnamon would curl up on the pillow next to my head and I would fall asleep to the sound of her purring all night.

So I was shocked. Angie and Jenna couldn't believe it. So we looked at the other cats and soon found Sugar.

The paperwork said he had surrendered them both. Willingly. For no reason.

I was so angry. So mad. He had raised the cats since they had been kittens. So I bent down and tapped on the glass of the cage Cinnamon was in. She looked at me and recognized me. Stood on her hind legs and scratched at the glass and meowed at me. She tried to get to me so bad. Sugar did the same thing.

I got teary eyed. Jenna got teary eyed and had to walk away. I wanted to take those baby cats home so bad but I simply do not have the room or the money to do so.

I'm so angry. He threw me away. Threw my love away. Threw his cats away.

Yet I can do nothing but sit here and cry. Because like me, those cats gave him nothing but unconditional love...and we all got thrown away like a used Kleenex.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

When does it go away?

I know I brought this on myself by not getting back together with Tim, but when does the pain and the lonely feelings go away?

When do I start to feel whole again and stop doubting myself?

The worst part is sleeping alone. It never bothered me before but after being serious with someone for five months, sleeping in their bed four or five nights a get used to the human contact.

You get used to having the other person curled up behind you, their arm thrown over you. You get used to them waking in the middle of the night, kissing your shoulder, whispering I love you and pulling you closer.

You get used to waking in the middle of the night and seeing that they rolled away and you roll over to them and do the same in return.

I haven't been sleeping well. I don't know if it's so much that I miss HIM but that I miss the closeness and comfort I felt having him in the bed.

When will that longing go away?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Trying To Make Sense of it All Part 2

Seven hours later I got this text message:

"All I want to be is friends nothing else this is my decision".

I didn't respond to that one either. I just left it. I was worn out, worn down and didn't want to care. I did care but it was easier to be mad.

April 3rd rolled around and I got a text that night. "Jenn call me or txt me please." Umm, no thanks, I don't want any of what you are selling.

The next day he called my cell. Three times. Three long voice messages. Apologizing for everything he had said and begging me for forgiveness. He told me how much he loved me and missed me. He told me how sorry he was. He told me how he wanted to marry me and have children with me and be together forever.

I didn't answer the phone. I didn't call him back. He in essence called me a whore who had no God in her life, told me he didn't like my tattoos, and that I should be trying to better myself...but I was supposed to forgive him just like that??

This past Saturday I tried to call him but his phone was off. So I texted him. He replied with " I luv u do u luv me i miss u". Sweet right?

So I texted back with "Yes I love you and maybe we can work things out."

His response: "Can u come over tnt i want to have sex with u and make up."
Me: I can't, my cousin is visiting from out of town for the Easter holiday. And you need to realize how much you hurt me.
Him: When can we have sex again

Picture me sitting here in bed, talking to Angie, getting that text and just sitting here blinking dumbfoundedly at the phone. WHAT THE HELL? No, "I'm sorry I hurt you". No, "I'm sorry I said all YOU were into is sex".

I responded. Easter Sunday morning. "Is that all you want? Just sex?"

Tim: No I want a serious relationship with some sex.

I haven't bothered to respond. He crushed my self esteem into the dirt. He made me feel like a whore. He made me feel like my tattoos were nasty. He made me feel like I am below him and I should be bettering myself to be on his elevated level.

Yet the best he comes up with is "WHEN CAN WE HAVE SEX AGAIN?"

I should have responded with "A cold day in hell motherfucker."

So what to him and try to work it out? Take him back?

Or pursue this possible other opportunity that has popped up with an ex from 11 years ago who will always hold a piece of my heart no matter what?

I'm thinking stay single for a while. If the 11 year ex and I DO get back together...which might or might not happen...I don't want to use him as a rebound guy.

I just can't get over the fact that a 30 going on 31 year old Momma's boy who has a gambling addiction, who hasn't been to church in over five months, who likes sex just as much as I sitting back, passing judgement on me, dumping me three times for various crap...and he acts like he is better than me. WTF?

Then asks me to come over so we can have sex and make up.


Trying To Make Sense of it All...Part 1

I didn't want to write about what happened because I have been trying to make sense of it all in my head. I can't get it straight. I don't know what to do. I know how I feel...hurt, worthless, angry, like dirt. It is amazing to me how when you love someone and they love you back how easy the words that they say can build you up or tear you down.

Or rip you to shreds.

Tim and I got back together. We were going to try to work things out. I went to his house on March 31st. We had a great night together (not getting into details, but it was nice). I got up early Sunday morning, April 1st, to come home and get the house straightened up. It was Wrestlemania day and he was going to come over with a bunch of my friends so I wanted to straighten up. I woke him, gave him a kiss, told him I was leaving.

Five minutes down the road from his house my cell phone rang and he asked why I had left. He asked me to come back to bed. So of course you know what happened when I went back. Good sex, great sex. So afterwards we get up, get dressed, he starts cleaning up stuff around his house. He tells me he still has a lot to do so "Why don't you leave and I will see you later?" I got a hug, a kiss, and an I love you and I was out the door.

Called my friend Vicki so I would have someone to talk to on the drive home. 10 minutes after I left his house I get a text message asking me to pick up some condoms. LOL I was like ok, but since I was on the phone I couldn't reply. Fourteen minutes later I get this hellish text message that just killed me.

To quote: "All u r into is sex u don't have god in ur life and u have a tattoo that resembles a devil and u r not trying to better urself i need someone who is and u r not that person i think the best thing is 4 us to break up n be friends."

I had Vicki on speaker phone and was just screaming, what the hell, what the fuck, what is this, where is this coming from?!? She tried to calm me down but it wasn't working. We got off the phone and I texted him, questioned him where this was coming from all of a sudden. No response. Then the coward turned his phone off because you can better believe I tried to call him.

I was pulled over at a gas station at this point. I just sat there and started bawling. What was so wrong with me that I had to "better myself"? How could he possibly think that "all I was into was sex?" I sat there crying and second guessing myself and every second of our relationship.

So I did what any woman does. I called my best friends and luckily Jenna and Angie (they are local my other friends are scattered across the country) met me at the gas station. I read them the texts and Angie started talking about going and kicking his ass, which made me crack up. The more I talked the less I cried and the more angry I felt. My self esteem was in the toilet.

I couldn't go home looking all cried out and upset because then I would have been questioned and I didn't want to get into it anymore. We drove around, looked at cars and shit and basically gave me a chance to suck it up and pull it together.

Then two hours later I got another text. Again, quoting it: "i'm not committing any more sin w u ive asked god 4 forgiveness".

Are you shitting me here? I busted up laughing at that one. This coming from a man in the entire almost five months we had been together hadn't stepped foot in a church ONCE! I didn't even bother to respond. I was done. Wore out, wrung out, feeling like some kind of dirty whore and sinner. Angry that I had given more and more of myself to him and got nothing back in return.

So we started the jokes, calling ourselves dirty whores and Godless sinners because dammit if I didn't laugh about it all I was going to do was cry. We hung out all day, I talked to a couple more of my girlfriends and even one of my ex-boyfriends (we stayed friends) and I just tried to pick up the pieces.

Seven hours later, I got another text.

Part 2 coming later...