Friday, August 03, 2007


So D.

He had a bit to drink last night and doesn't remember our conversation. He doesn't remember what he asked me and then his comment on it later.

He doesn't remember the argument we got into or the comment he said to me that has been in my mind all day.

He told me he's thinking of moving to Oregon.

He's serious about it. I offered to beg and plead but it seems his mind is pretty much made up.

So now...knowing he doesn't remember what was said, or the fight we had, and the fact he is pretty much dead set on moving...yeah, that cracking noise you heard was my heart.

Go figure.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Well...shit. No idea for a title.

Basically I am just venting now. I just feel so lost and confused and I just want to either put my fist through a wall or go to sleep and never, ever wake up. Neither a really viable option at the moment.

I'm not upset at a specific person or event, just a number of things that have been building up inside and this is the best place for me to vent without harassing my friends. I'll probably just ramble on and on until I get it all out so if you don't want to read this I won't be upset.

I always fall too hard too fast for men. I have all this fucking love to give someone, a caring, loving worthy man, and no one wants it. No one.

What is wrong with me? If someone could please tell me what it is that makes me so unworthy of being loved, I would greatly appreciate it. Seriously. Let me know what I can do to fix it. If it can even be fixed.

Lenny and I had a nasty email fight a few days ago. It's the same old shit with him. Excuses, excuses, excuses. I'm pretty sure I am done with it this time. He was pissed off that I left him a fucking comment on his Myspace and it pretty much escalated from there. Long story short, not his direct words but what was said basically said "You're almost 30 and you're acting like a stupid child". OH well fuck 'em, right?

Work sucks. I need to find either something that pays me better or a second job to supplement my money.

The situation with D. Well. I don't even know what to say about that. I care about him, I really really do. Probably more than he does about me. I am still there in the fight, not running away. People doubt my decision, tell me I am crazy...but if you knew this man and saw the way he is...I am doing what my brain and my heart are telling me to do. If I end up hurt I have no one to blame but me.

Sometimes, though, I feel like he is looking right past me. He said from the beginning that he wanted to see other people and I said that was fine. But I also have to deal with all this jealousy I have. To think of him doing with other women what he does with Yet I don't know whether he is or not, at least not for sure.

My imagination gets the best of me sometimes. We argued the other night...he said I was just like his ex. Yep, he compared me to The Bitch.

So not true. I never accused him of fucking anyone, but any person who looks at his Myspace can see the women that want him. I'm not the only one who has feelings for him apparently. And the fucking green eyed monster is driving me insane.

So I worry that I'm not enough to capture his interest. Or that I am not good enough to compete with the other women and I don't even know who the fuck I am competing with.

He told me tonight that he might sell his place and move to Oregon. I was on the phone with him and all I could say, was "oh, ok."

D.: "Is that all you're going to say?"
Me: What do you want me to say?

I don't want him to go. I wanted to beg him to stay. But I don't know if I am enough to get him to stay here. I don't know if I am what he is looking for or if I am what he wants.

I love him as my friend before all else. And it would really break my heart to see him go.

I can't beg him to stay because he is not my boyfriend. As much as I would want him to be, it's not at that level yet. I just don't want him to go.

I don't know what else to say right now. I think I'm going to save this before the tears come back.